12/30/21 - Our old G4 Yikes, which has run the website since 2018, has now been retired - the computer was no longer serving packets consistently, and the pages stopped loading fully sometime in the last two months. I’ve now moved the site over to one of our newer computers. You’ll notice it loads much, much faster now! The new server has 8 cores!
1/1/19 - Holiday updates to Family page. Pictures of The Move.
4/24/18 - I figured out how to set up the virtual host subdomains, so you should be seeing more readable URLs as you navigate across Oreganet.
4/19/18 - finally succeeded in upgrading our old G4 into a modern webserver. The site should stay up 24/7 now that is isn’t running off of my laptop. If you are interested in the technical details, check out my new blog post, “The Saga of Turning Our Old G4 into an Apache 2 Web Server."
Family Pages
Visit our family pages for more photos and artwork:
Check out the pages for Colby and TheOtherOne for more pictures.
Coming Soon...
Redecorating several rooms - master bathroom, upstairs office, family room. New paint!