We had membership at Longwood Gardens this year, so here are some pictures from the whole season. The beginning of the year has everyone masked, but life started going back to normal later in the year!

Denali, winter visit to Longwood

These flowers always look fake to me even though they aren’t.

Masking still required… plus it was a cold winter day.

Heading into spring

So pretty!

Lots of white

The flooded space always looks pretty

Summer flowers

Fountains timed with music

Summer view

A cold day in November 2021

A sunny November day.

This black kitty reminded us of our Taio, who passed in January.

Merry Christmas!

This was the best tree. They didn’t have the big one near the front of the gardens this year.

We tried to convince the kids these red lights were tree heaters.

Christmas decor!

The lanterns are a nice touch

Beautiful Christmas tree

In the desert room

Keeping warm


Inside the conservatory

I love how they decorated the fireplace

How would you like to dine here?

Icy look

Fake presents look pretty!


We’re keeping warm on our walk


Italian fountains

Winter colors in lights