We’re getting close to finishing now...

Checking the tub plumbing locations before installation

Tub is ready to be closed up now that the plumbing is in

Love the new shower handle!

New baseboards

New toilet looks nice. It had a really deep rough in, so took a bit to find the right toilet. New one is a Gerber with a removable lid for easier cleaning. Easy maintenance.

New vanities going in

Cabinets are in! We didn’t get the right number of handles due to a mixup, so those came later. On the left, you can see where tape markings are done for the shower glass.

New wood shelves

New shower doors are installed. On the nearby mirror, notice the pretty bevel.

New light figures are so much nicer than the old ceiling spotlights!

Now you can see the new granite countertops. Painting is also done - a really pale blue.

The finished tub looks inviting.

Such a pretty view!
And of course, we can’t forget the supervisors… What do they think of all this?

It’s a hard life for a cat, waiting for the work to be done so they can check out the new view.

Jake says, “This view is for me?"

Yup - this is Jake's new favorite place in the house.
A big thanks to everyone who worked on this project! You did a wonderful job!
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